free webinar
october 17, 11 a.m.
DORA – Much Ado About Nothing?
It’s undeniable: growing digitization offers numerous advantages. From increased efficiency, connectivity and innovation to a better customer journey, flexibility or greener use of resources. Equally, however, they also bring new challenges and risks. That is why one aspect of this progress should be given particular importance: data security.
Cybersecurity or data security helps protect data from threats and unauthorized access. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) aims to prevent these risks and increase the digital resilience of companies. In this way, it should enable companies to respond quickly to potential threats.
Sounds good for now, doesn’t it?
In terms of content, the European legal act deals with the management of increasing dependencies and interconnections within the financial industry, but also outside the industry with service providers and infrastructures. It aims to bring ICT security and digital resilience more into focus as substantial components of operational risk.
– Why are there so many compelling debates around DORA?
– What do regulated companies even have to consider – also in the context of the applicable BAIT and VAIT?
– What changes as a result of the introduction into operations and when should help be sought?
As part of the X1F, ADWEKO, matrix technology and e2-Security would like to address national harmonization and simplification of existing requirements on October 17 and drive the discussion around DORA. In a 1-hour webinar, we will discuss together what added value you gain from regulation and its implementation and how you address the complexity of the requirements. During a short deep dive, we will also introduce you to the process of penetration testing and how you can use it in the context of DORA.
Join us to find out what the potential need for change is and let us answer the question of whether DORA is really just much ado about nothing.