ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX

With ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX, you can combine Wolters Kluwer’s internationally successful OneSumX total bank management solution with SAP Finoneer’s innovative data platform for financial institutions.

ADWEKO FSDM 2 OneSumX adapter is now ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX

To cover all functional areas and requirements for total bank control with S/4HANA and SAP FSDP, ADWEKO offers the ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX.


with Wolters Kluwer OneSumX


SAP FSDM on HANA is used, which in addition to the data model also includes the interface architecture


Integrated interface to SAP FSDM without separate data storage in OneSumX


Risk metrics are read back into FSDM after processing in OneSumX


The components of ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX can be used for Risk Management as well as for Regulatory Reporting. On the one hand, as a standardized interface for the integration of the banking HANA data model of FSDP into the calculations for Credit Risk, Market Risk and Liquidity Risk of ‘OneSumX for Risk Management’ incl. Back interface for writing the risk results from OneSumX into the FSDP data model extended for this purpose. On the other hand, to supply the central data budget (Data Foundation) of the ‘OneSumX for Regulatory Reporting’ from the data model of the FSDP.


  • Consideration of all entities (partners, contracts, collateral, market data) required for risk management and regulatory reporting in OneSumX
  • Use of comprehensive standard mappings to integrate the data models of FSDP and OneSumX, which can be extended flexibly
  • Consideration of the versioning and historization of the FSDM
  • Individually expandable thanks to a modular and user-friendly interface design
  • Performance-optimized data processing through the use of native SAP HANA 2.0 technologies
  • Use of current HANA technology to transform the data
  • Maintenance and further development with focus on SAP FSDM and Wolters Kluwer OneSumX


Click into the recording of the presentation of Mareike Fellhauer (Manager – Software Solutions) at the BANKINGCLUBLive Event in September 2021. You can also find exciting experience reports directly from the development of our ADWEKO Integrate for FSDM & OneSumX in our ADWEKO News.

Talk to


Andreas Nothelfer