Imagine a large ship. A ship in the middle of the sea, surrounded by waves, on its way to a firmly defined destination. The thing that moves the ship forward is found in the rear part of the hull: the engine room. Here you will find all the machines that are relevant to the propulsion and maintenance of the ship: Engines, generators, heaters and more. Now imagine that you, as a captain or ship owner, place the responsibility for the care and supervision of the engine room in someone else’s hands. The competence of the recipient must convince you completely. You have to trust it!
The engine room or in English popularly used expression, the backbone of any bank is the analytical platform. Vast amounts of data are loaded, bundled, processed, transformed and passed on to the customer. This data is invaluable for reporting, accounting, controlling, and even marketing. The importance of the engine room of any bank is undisputed. Accordingly, professional application management is no less important.
For over 14 years, ADWEKO’s Managed Services division has been leading the engine room for one of our earliest customers. And with an impressive development.
The basis for the successful cooperation between our customer and the ADWEKO Managed Services team can be described with one keyword above all: Trust.
Let’s go back to the beginning over 14 years ago, when the ship practically sailed for the first time under the responsibility of the ADWEKO Managed Services team. A much smaller team than today took on the task of maintaining the bank’s backbone. There were hardly any automated processes in place. Neither for operation nor for monitoring. This meant that manual intervention was often necessary to ensure that one gear meshes with the other, processes were triggered in good time and errors were corrected. However, the client had confidence and the AMS team confirmed this impressively:
For example, one night when the moon was shining on the deck, our AMS colleague moved into the engine room. She checked the processing operations and ensured that the follow-up processes started on time. Now it happens that gears do not mesh as they should.
Here it was necessary to quickly intervene and correct. Colleagues from ADWEKO Maintenance also sat down with a process owner in the middle of the night and manually cleared Profit Analyzer of erroneous business transactions. The circumstances were not ideal and there was potential for optimization.
The confidence to identify customer needs and potential for improvement paid off. Let’s take the idea of displaying the monitoring and flow of the many processes in a self-developed tool with simply and clearly mapped tickets. A proactive solution approach that should enable everyone to get a quick overview of the current system status and also reduce manual intervention through process automation. The department was offered a solution so that it has transparency about the status of its processes. He can now check the status of critical processes at any time and even tell which ones are coming up next. A significant advantage of the ticket monitor due to the above automation was the reduction of effort in operation. A blessing which no longer requires the nightly and manual engine room adventures.
The relationship of trust quickly developed, so that even in the case of organizational changes, the typical client-employee situation never prevailed. An exemplary example was the introduction of the incident ticket system in the course of the organizational changes in Operations. The AMS team’s opinion, assessment and recommendation on process design were highly valued. Together, not only we, the ADWEKO AMS team and our contact persons have grown, but also the processes to be supported have increased by a multitude and have become more complex.
Over the past 14 years, the AMS team has continuously identified customer needs in the best possible way, responded to changes in the general conditions and co-developed solutions in order to keep up with the times.
Another and significant milestone was the implementation of the ADWEKO nearshore concept. ADWEKO opened a new location in Hungary exactly 10 years ago and the relocation of operations to Budapest was and is a complete success. The automotive bank in Stuttgart has also been benefiting from German-language support in Budapest for several years now. In particular, the cost efficiency while maintaining quality and barrier-free communication makes the service so valuable.
The dear employees in Hungary are characterized by the same attributes as in Germany – full commitment, dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile.
In the meantime, we no longer share the same premises, but what has remained is the very close and trusting relationship as well as a cooperation with an extraordinarily good working atmosphere. In addition to the productive work, the many years of cooperation brought the AMS team a lot of fun and many lasting memories.
We are pleased that we are still the right partner to operate, maintain and further develop the engine room of our customer in Stuttgart in the years to come.
In the spirit of Henry Ford, the following can be said:
‘Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.’(Henry Ford)
Thank you for the trust you have placed in us and here’s to further successes together!
David Mahoumba
Senior Consultant