FPSL release upgrades
ADWEKO’s guideline for a successful execution

The desire for functional innovations, the necessity of bug fixes, or the focus on technological progress — Regardless of which reason is in the foreground, release upgrades must be taken care of by all organizations at some point in time.

FPSL release upgrades can be challenging, but they don’t have to be. Once the decision for a release upgrade has been made, the upgrade should be considered as an individual project on its own.

ADWEKO has a standardized methodology comprising all relevant components of an FPSL release upgrade including guidelines for project planning, functional and technical upgrades.

Thanks to our extensive FPSL implementation experience in the financial services industry, we have a proven track record of successful projects at banks, insurers, and FinTechs.

Click through the upgrade guide!

FPSL-Release Upgrades Guide

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Manuel Rauscher

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Manuel Rauscher