ESG: Social taxonomy
In the past three articles, we have looked at topics that already exist or are currently being implemented. We would like to use the end of the year to look ahead.
In the past three articles, we have looked at topics that already exist or are currently being implemented. We would like to use the end of the year to look ahead.
The FIS and ADWEKO can look back on a strong partnership. We were all the more pleased to be part of this year’s “FIS ALM Summit” in Frankfurt.
The topic of climate change is more present than ever. Numerous public debates, activists and even politicians are addressing the issue.
Pressure is growing on financial institutions to fully incorporate ESG-factors into their lending process.
The requirements for implementing sustainability are now included in the 7th MaRisk amendment.
The CSRD is a proposed revision of the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive being developed as part of the EU legislative process.
However, disclosure obligations and ESG data collection requirements are gradually increasing in the coming years, which is described in more detail in the following article.
The NFRD disclosure requirement has already been in place for large companies since 2014 (2014/95/EU).
The EU taxonomy, more precisely Regulation EU/2020/852, establishes the basis for assessing the sustainability of economic activities, with a classification system allowing to classify whether the desired sustainability of the investment is given.
Sustainability continues to gain in importance and the implementation status of the individual institutions is surveyed in the annual meeting with the banking supervisory authorities. The following article covers the third part of the preparation for the supervisory interview and deals with possible interview contents regarding sustainability.