Graph databases – definition, overview & context | 31.05.24

Graph databases – definition, overview & context | 31.05.24

Graph databases have their origins in the 1960s, when the first theoretical models of graph theory were developed. However, only in recent decades, with the advent of big data and the need for complex data analysis, have they found widespread use and become an important tool in database technology [1][2][4].

Relational databases – Definition, Overview & Context | 14.03.24

Relational databases – Definition, Overview & Context | 14.03.24

As part of our blog series on database technologies, today we are delving into the world of relational databases. We focus on the specific characteristics, advantages and challenges of relational databases. This article highlights the central role of SQL (Structured Query Language), discusses the essential ACID principles for data integrity and stability, and examines the importance of relational databases in the modern IT landscape.