IT Security Regulatory Update | January 2024 | 06.02.24
The January update focuses on the final reports on DORA, the BaFin supervisory notice on cloud outsourcing and the risks in the BaFin focus
The January update focuses on the final reports on DORA, the BaFin supervisory notice on cloud outsourcing and the risks in the BaFin focus
The December update focuses on the second wave of RTS & ITS for DORA, BAIT in the context of the cloud and third-party risk management
The November update focuses on the cyber security situation in Germany, risks in the cloud and the Cyber Resilience Act.
The July update focuses on DORA, IT operations in the context of the cloud, and the interplay between data protection and antitrust law.
The December update focuses on the recently released DORA, as well as cloud outsourcing and corporate due diligence obligations in supply chains.